Friday, December 28, 2007

“You know it's time for a vacation when…”

I generally like questions like “What is C#?”, “What is the antonym for «конструктор»?” and “What is the synonym for «нежить»?” – it's funny how they can be used to tell the geeks from musicians / philosophers / normal people. But it's a bit scary when you look at the bottom of the chocolate box with the list of ingredients, see the “RUS”, “ENG” and “GEO” labels there and start thinking “Wait, what the hell does the Russian Geo Engineering team have to do with chocolates?”
Well, blame ISO 639-2, the others have kat/ka for Georgian.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (I was referring to "деконструктор" vs "деструктор")

  3. "деконструктор"? I don't know such word and I can not believe that "конструктор" can have more then one common antonym.
    But... hm... I've never used it, I just understand...
    I've never been clever, because need it never... I've wrote 0 bytes of C++ code!!! At al!

  4. You should try asking 10 random non-geeks for that antonym. I bet "деконструктор" will come up.

  5. Yesterday, after rewriting in a hurry a part of code, I tried to say something to our Senior Editor, but I reached success only after a third try, the problem was in a phonemes order in the word which i tried to say... i mixed phonemes up %)
